Steadfast Collective is trialling a 4-Day Week

Find out why 👇

two people smiling at a laptop

Partnering with Dr Charlotte Rae, the UK’s leading quantitative researcher on the 4-day work week, we're exploring if a 4 day week will create a more productive and healthy Steadfast Collective.

Our involvement in the research study is underpinned by data and KPIs. Dr Rae's team are measuring success through many different metrics.

The Benefit

All the research points to more productive, happier team members who deliver better work

More Productive

The national data shows that, even when working fewer hours, teams often see an increase of 10% in productivity.

Less Burnout

A staggering 15% drop in burnout was reported through the national data, this results in fewer sick days and mental health days.

Happier Team

A 10% reduction in negative emotions was reported during previous trials, and we know a happier team results in even better delivery of our services.

We're sure you've got questions; hopefully, we have answers!
As a management team we've been considering, researching, planning and consulting on this trial throughout 2023.

Any other questions, fire them our way.

No, but most of our team will be off on a Friday. We will still have a team member on hand for urgent support. All projects and ongoing retainers have been planned with this in mind.

We and our hosting providers monitor all servers 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.

No problem - you can reach us at [email protected]

The trial is 14 weeks, and we started mid-January. After this, we will await the results of the trial and decide on the programme.

The clinical data in the UK and globally show a 10% increase in delivered productivity.

You can find out more at