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15 Aug, 2023 4 min read

Where Does Laravel Sit Among Other Frameworks?

We explore how Laravel - a PHP web application framework - compares to its peers, and why we at Steadfast Collective think its worth considering for your next web development project
Andre Steadfast Collective

Choosing the right framework for a web development project can significantly impact its success. Among web developers, Laravel, a PHP web application framework, has emerged as a top choice.

In this article, we'll explore where Laravel stands amongst its peers, highlighting its key features, advantages, and how it compares to other frameworks in the market.

Andre Steadfast Collective

The Rise of Laravel

Taylor Otwell created Laravel in 2011, and it quickly gained traction due to its elegant syntax, developer-friendly features, and robust ecosystem. Its rapid growth can be attributed to its focus on modern PHP development practices, such as dependency injection, and expressive syntax.

Laravel has the ability to get a project up and running, with many features essential to a project straight out of the box, like a full authentication implementation. It also contains a great wealth of resources for learning such as Laracasts.

The Ecosystem

One of the standout features of Laravel is its vast and active ecosystem. The Laravel community is incredibly active, contributing numerous packages and extensions to expand the framework's functionality.

Composer, a PHP dependency manager, makes it effortless to integrate these packages into your project, fostering a culture of code reusability and efficiency.

On top of this, a convention named 'Laracon' is held every year, where developers get together to discuss their work - and new versions and features for Laravel are announced.

All of this combines to create a well supported, evolving framework that's always to grow to meet the needs of your project.

Expressive and Intuitive Syntax

Laravel's syntax is one of its defining characteristics, offering an expressive and readable codebase. The "Eloquent" ORM provides a seamless experience when working with databases, allowing developers to write database queries using simple and intuitive language. This helps them to focus on building, rather than getting bogged down in complex database operations.

Additionally, Laravel's templating engine, known as "Blade," ensures that developers can craft beautiful and dynamic UIs with minimal effort (or use one of many popular Javascript libraries like Vue, or React!).

Laravel vs. Other Frameworks

  1. Laravel vs. Symfony: Laravel actually builds on the foundation of Symfony components, incorporating them into its framework. While Symfony is more focused on flexibility and modularity, Laravel emphasizes ease of use and developer convenience. Both frameworks are powerful, but Laravel's syntax and opinionated approach appeal to those who seek rapid application development.

  2. Laravel vs. CodeIgniter: CodeIgniter has been a popular PHP framework for many years, known for its simplicity and lightweight nature. However, Laravel has overshadowed CodeIgniter in recent years due to its richer feature set, better support for modern PHP practices, and extensive ecosystem.

  3. Laravel vs. Yii: Yii, another PHP framework, is known for its robustness and performance. Laravel, on the other hand, emphasizes a more expressive and elegant syntax, making it more developer-friendly. The choice between the two depends on the project's specific needs, but Laravel's broader appeal has helped it secure a prominent position in the market.

  4. Laravel vs. Django/Ruby on Rails: Django (Python) and Ruby on Rails (Ruby) are powerful frameworks in their respective languages. Laravel, being a PHP framework, competes in a different domain. The choice between them depends on the developer's language preference, the project's requirements, and the existing tech stack.

The Role of Laravel in Modern Development

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, Laravel continues to improve, keeping up with the latest trends and best practices. All thanks to it's passionate community of both users and maintainers.

With its intuitive syntax and powerful features, Laravel has cemented its status as a leading PHP web application framework. Its ability to strike a balance between ease of use and robustness has helped it stand out among its peers.

Whether you're new to PHP or a seasoned developer, Laravel is undoubtedly worth considering for your next web development project.

Laravel Software