Wish you were there; TEDxWinchester 2022

On April 5th, Steadfast Collective proudly partnered with TedxWinchester for their 2022 in-person conference. The day had a great line-up of speakers sharing their stories, with the theme: Ideas into Action. The wealth of knowledge and experience the speakers brought to their well-prepared talks was amazing. There was laughter, tears, insight, ideas and innovation.
TEDxWinchester highlights
Just a highlight of some inspiring moments from the day included:
Amputee Swimmer Simon Harmer sharing his empowering story on the importance of making memories and overcoming adversity in pursuit of the things that you love to do.
Claudia Beard sharing her story as a Mum to her disabled son Trent, alongside her creative vision behind I Am Supercapes, enabling children in the midst of adversity to still feel like superheroes and to act like children, having fun and embracing life.
Dame Esther Rantzen DBE challenging us on fake news, the media and how, and why, humans can collectively buy into ‘The Big Lie’ – with relevant stories from this month and current ongoing conflicts in Ukraine.
Jordan Wylie, extreme adventurer and bestselling author, shared his powerful story about the ‘power of a promise’, in which he set about to fundraise and build a school on the Horn of Africa after making a promise to a young boy he met whose life had been disrupted by war and conflict.
The event enabled us to meet some amazing conference delegates, hear inspirational talks and get the internal cogs whirring away on many ideas and thoughts we’ve had. In case you missed it, videos of the talks will soon be published on the TEDxTalks YouTube channel so you can watch and share.

Wish you were here…
As one of the event partners, Steadfast Collective had a partner stand in the cafe area, which we titled ‘Wish you were here…’ a play on the classic postcard slogan, encouraging conference attendees to imagine what the future could look like for one of their ideas if they set about turning it into action.
We brought along our deckchairs, inflatable palm tree and beach ball to set the holiday scene encouraging people to take a moment to sit and reflect, dreaming one year into the future to imagine where their idea could take them.
These ideas were then written down on a postcard and posted into the postbox, ready to receive back 6-months after the event as a reminder of their idea, and a check-in on progress.
If you missed the event, it’s not too late to get involved:
1. Think of an idea you want to action this year, write a postcard to yourself titled ‘This time next year, I will…’
2. Put your idea somewhere visible; your desk, the fridge, your bedside table, and keep reminding yourself of your idea and the steps you will take towards achieving it
3. Keep yourself accountable. Share your idea with a friend, family member, or work colleague and regularly set aside time to work towards it.

Here are some ideas to inspire you. This time next year I will…
Have grown my online community to 100 people
Have written the first eight chapters of my book
Have sold 500 products on my Shopify website
Have contacted 100 companies about partnering with my business
Have secured £20k of funding for my business idea
Have written a talk and speaker brief to apply to speak at several events
The ideas and opportunities are limitless. Thanks to everyone who stopped by our stand and got involved.
Our MD, Pete, gave the event a glowing review of the event:
“TEDxWinchester was a fantastic chance to meet with the local community, share ideas and get inspired – a thoroughly enjoyable programme with space for invaluable corridor conversations.”

We would like to say a massive thank you to Jan Carlyle, for inviting us to be a part of this year’s event, and to the TedxWinchester team, volunteers and partners for making TedxWinchester such a great event.
We thoroughly enjoyed the day and look forward to next year’s conference on the 17th of June 2023.
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