A portrait of Pete Heslop
25 May, 2018 1 min read

Pete & Rachel Heslop – Three Lessons Learnt Podcast

As with any major milestone or anniversary, our birthday has not only provided an opportunity to have some fun, but to also look back on how far we’ve come as a company, and the lessons we have learnt along the way.
Pete & Rachel Heslop – Three Lessons Learnt Podcast

If you haven’t already seen, this month Steadfast is celebrating their third birthday. As with any major milestone or anniversary, our birthday has not only provided an opportunity to have some fun, but to also look back on how far we’ve come as a company, and the lessons we have learnt along the way.

Previously on the podcast we’ve been inspired, encouraged and excited to hear the stories of other business owners, each with their own unique journey, and today, it’s our turn to share our story and the lessons we have learnt along the way.

Pete and Rachel Heslop, our company directors, share the Steadfast story, starting with our small beginnings, growing into the team and client work you see today.

Steadfast Collective are a team of passionate creatives focusing on creating content-driven digital platforms and applications. We have a team of five, permanent, talented individuals in our Southampton office, alongside a small team of regular contractors who work alongside us on many of our projects.

Pete and Rachel share three key lessons they have learnt along the way…

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