Date picker study
Date picker study

Recently we were faced with an interesting challenge for a date picker component.  A client wanted to be able to configure flexible ‘periods’ of dates. The start and end dates of these periods had to be configurable, and also non-overlapping.

A portrait of Alex Turner
08 Jun, 2022 3 min read
Studio Life
Our May All Hands
Our May All Hands

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve adapted our ways of working, becoming a fully-remote team spread across the UK (and France), but we still understand the importance of getting together in person.

A portrait of Pete Heslop
18 May, 2022 3 min read
Unexpected Entrepreneurs
Unexpected Entrepreneur Spotlight: James Dyson
Unexpected Entrepreneur Spotlight: James Dyson

As part of our Unexpected Entrepreneur Spotlight series, we’re looking to take a deep dive into the history, intentions and lessons learnt from Unexpected Entrepreneurs who are running successful businesses and organisations.

A portrait of Pete Heslop
16 May, 2022 3 min read
Unexpected Entrepreneurs Development
How to validate your product idea
How to validate your product idea

Ideas are free, products are expensive. How can you make sure your product has a market fit before you invest time and resource into it?

A portrait of Pete Heslop
12 May, 2022 3 min read
Unexpected Entrepreneurs
The Unexpected Entrepreneur
The Unexpected Entrepreneur

Their goal wasn’t to build a business but to fill a need in a sector they are passionate about.

A portrait of Pete Heslop
05 May, 2022 2 min read
Unexpected Entrepreneurs
Woman holding a note
How to get your first 100 customers

Your strategy for securing your first 100 customers should come before you start development on your product.

A portrait of Pete Heslop
28 Apr, 2022 8 min read
Wish you were there; TEDxWinchester 2022
Wish you were there; TEDxWinchester 2022

The wealth of knowledge and experience the speakers brought to their well-prepared talks was amazing. There was laughter, tears, insight, ideas and innovation.

A portrait of Pete Heslop
22 Apr, 2022 4 min read
We are attending Collision Conference 2022
We are attending Collision Conference 2022

Conferences are an opportunity to make space to hear inspiring success stories, join thought-provoking conversations, and make meaningful connections.

A portrait of Pete Heslop
19 Apr, 2022 2 min read
Creating scroll animations with ScrollMagic
Creating scroll animations with ScrollMagic

Sometimes when building projects we need to animate elements as you scroll down the page.

A portrait of Pete Heslop
19 Apr, 2022 3 min read
CSV Exporter for Statamic
CSV Exporter for Statamic

We’ve just launched our first add-on for Statamic, a delightful content management system built on Laravel. It’s the CSV Exporter add-on. Yesterday, we had a client who needed to be able to export certain pieces of content on-demand in a CSV format.

A portrait of Duncan McClean
01 Apr, 2022 2 min read
Unexpected Entrepreneurs
How can you measure SaaS growth?
How can you measure SaaS growth?

How to measure SaaS growth Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) has become one of the most dominant business models in the world. Everything from music and video streaming, to ride-hailing and booking hotels have adopted SaaS models.

A portrait of Pete Heslop
29 Mar, 2022 6 min read
Twitter post Steadfast announcement
Three things we are looking forward to about TedxWinchester

In-person events are back!  Many of us are probably very familiar now with watching music concerts, theatre performances and sports games live from the comfort of our sofas at home. The norm for many people during the lockdown.

A portrait of Pete Heslop
18 Feb, 2022 2 min read

Ready to start on your project?

We have been developing websites for over a decade. Our team of developers love what they do, and strive to ensure they leave the internet in a better place than they found it.